Friday, June 3, 2011

Can't Live With 'Um, Can't Live Without 'UM

So... Being a single girl with a lot of single friends and co-workers has led me to be constantly involved in conversations involving: "Should I be worried?," "How long should I wait to respond?," "Do you think he likes me?" "Should I text him?," or may favorite "What do you think that means?". All girls, myself included, tend to spend too much time trying to get inside of a boy's, or should I say man's, head and it just isn't going to happen, ever. We will never understand their ways, and they will never understand ours and that's that. So, the lesson to be learned here is for all of us to just stop and take a DEEP BREATH (right Kell), and know that everything is going to work out the way it should, and its not worth the stress or the wrinkles. However.... that is way easier said then done, but its worth a try. When the time is right everything will fall into place, but for now, just live it up!
As I mentioned in my first post, this is our prime time in life and we need to go out with the mentality that tonight is going to be blast, not because your going to run into some boy that you are hooking up with, but because your are honestly having a wonderful time with your friends, both guys and girls. I mean truthfully how much longer are you going to be able to live with your best friends and be able to do exactly what you want?... So next time a sticky "man" situation falls in your lap, just do what you feel is right for the moment, and less time trying to analyze the situation because that is where everyone gets in trouble. Just go with it, and if they don't like you for who you really are, then they are not worth the time anyway!

Ha, after reading this I feel that I myself need to  take a really deep breath  :) ....

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